Connect with Monica Bree for a free consultation
email me: monicabree at ambryorganizing dot com

More family peace and joy with Ambry Kids!
Have you felt like there's too much stuff and not enough time? Have you walked by your child's bedroom or playroom and felt a sense of frustration? Do you and your child have power struggles over clean-up, organization, and stuff?
We make your family life more joyful by working with your child to organize their toys, books, clothing, and precious possessions. By guiding your child, we gradually train them to sort their things, assess whether each thing should be kept, donated, or tossed, and then where to put their things.
We help you, the parent, through the different needs that children have with each life stage. These include:
Preparing for a baby. Nesting, stocking supplies, and preparing space so that you can feel comfortable and ready for babyhood.
Toddler and preschool years. There can be a plethora of toys and crafts in these phases of childhood! We help sort through the toys and crafts, figuring out how to have efficient and attractive storage.
Elementary years. These children have more books, and also need to organize schoolwork. As they develop more independence, they benefit from being empowered to curate their possessions, organize their belongings, and take responsibility in their family. As digital interaction increases, they may need dedicated electronic spaces that are stable, yet integrated in family life. We can advise and help implement strategies, for these, as well as provide structure for chores.
Tween and teen years. Children are making the transition to adulthood and independence. They often appreciate having outside advisors who can advise about life skills and organization while supporting their drives toward personal goals.
Leaving the nest. Congratultions are in order here! We help the young person get organized, so that they are well-equipped to venture out, whether to college, first job, or first home on their own. Also, we help you, the parent, organize and sort through your space as things change with a child leaving home.
Connect with Monica Bree for a free consultation
email me: monicabree at ambryorganizing dot com